How to make a living from your love of movement

If you’ve found your way here, chances are, you have a passion for fitness or wellness. Which means you’re in luck, because not only is that a passion that will reap rewards for you personally for many years to come (hello, fit and flexible forever), but it’s also one that can be transformed into a thriving, rewarding career.

Tapping into your passion often feels joyful and stimulating. When you’re working in an area of personal passion, you tend to feel energised, like time passes quickly, like you’re equal parts challenged and confident, and often, the effort you put in usually means that you’re doing your best work. Working in your space of passion isn’t just about feeling good … Great performance usually follows.

After working with thousands of teachers and students from all over the globe, one thing we do know is that the best teachers are those who truly have passion for what they do. Because when you unlock that passion, you unleash all the positive energy you need to be the best teacher that you can be. That energy is contagious – and your students feel it too.

If you’re contemplating a career shift, a new endeavour or adding an additional string to your bow – step one is tapping into what it is about this opportunity that really makes your heart sing. Let’s be real… There’s a bit of work ahead – and tapping into your passion, and what you really love about wellness, fitness or helping and inspiring others – will be the rocket fuel that keeps you going.

So… What is it about teaching that lights you up inside? What are you most passionate about when it comes to inspiring others? What are you most curious about learning? Answer these questions wholeheartedly and you’re well on your way to unlocking that passion… Look out world!

And as for step two?

Marrying your passion with purpose.

(Here’s where the fun really begins). You can be passionate about something, or simply have a strength or interest in a certain area, and receive satisfaction from the work that you do. But when you couple your passion with a purpose-driven career or role, your work (and life!) reaches a whole new level of meaning.

It’s simply human nature to want to do work that really matters, and when you work with purpose, you are motivated and rewarded by the understanding that the contribution you make to the world really does matter. You are driven by the positive impact that you make to the lives of others, and work fulfills a role that is beyond just paying the bills.

Working as a Barre, Pilates or Reformer teacher is definitely one of those rewarding, motivating careers. Every day, we hear clients say,

“I’ve never enjoyed fitness until I found Barre Body.” 

“My body has changed in ways I never dreamed of.”  

“You’ve made me fall in love with my body and all it can do.”

Magic? Just a bit.

So if you can tap into your passion, and pursue a purpose-driven career that brings meaning to your life because of the impact you can make – then you’ve hit the career jackpot! This is exactly the thing that our most successful graduates do, and what often makes the difference between a good and an exceptional teacher.